Publications récentes des membres du club CMC2
– Unraveling Ammonia and Trimethylamine Uptake on conductive Doped Polyaniline
Marius Pascaud, Frederic Thevenet, Caroline Duc, Cedric Samuel, Nathalie Redon, Manolis N. Romanias
Langmuir 2024, 40, 17, 9180–9188
El Atti, J. Hot, K. Fajerwerg, C. Lorber, B. Lebeau, A. Ryzhikov, M. Kahn, V. Collière, Y. Coppel, N. Ratel-Ramond, P. Menini and P. Fau
Inorganics 2024, 12(7), 183;
L Weber, V Martini, S Smiy, D Grosso, S Burtey, M Putero, and M Bendahan
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 136124, 2024
– Nano-sculptured vanadium oxide thin films for benzene detection
Jean-Baptiste Sanchez; Anna Krystianiak; Emmanuel Dordor; Olivier Heintz; Nicolas Geoffroy; Nicolas Martin
Résumé : DC magnetron sputtering was used to prepare nano-sculptured vanadium oxide thin films and their gas sensing properties were investigated for the detection of benzene traces in the air. Oblique nano-structures showed excellent responses to benzene, as well as good repeatability and stability, which makes it a very reliable sensor for the detection of very low concentrations of benzene (a few ten ppbs) in air and under realistic conditions of humidity, as high as 60 % RH at 25 °C.
– Highly responsive and selective ozone sensor based on Ga doped ZnS–ZnO composite sprayed films
T. Laribi, R. Souissi, S. Bernardini, M. Bendahan, N. Bouguila and S. Alaya
Résumé : Ozone detection is currently the subject of wide scientific and technological research, motivated by its harmful impact on human safety, environment and health. With the aim of searching for new highly sensitive materials for ozone detection, Ga-doped ZnS and ZnS–ZnO films were deposited by a spray pyrolysis technique. The obtained films were annealed at 400 °C for two hours. The ozone sensing properties were investigated by measuring the sensor resistance for several ozone concentrations ranging from 30 to 120 ppb. The sensor response reveals a dependence on the gallium concentration. The best response was obtained with 4% doping gallium. The sensitivity is 4.5 ppb−1 at 260 °C and the response to 30 ppb ozone is 150. Moreover, the sensor shows high performance such as good selectivity and fast rapidity.
– The Role of Zn Ions in the Structural, Surface, and Gas-Sensing Properties of SnO2:Zn Nanocrystals Synthesized via a Microwave-Assisted Route
Luís F. da Silva , Mattia A. Lucchini, Ariadne C. Catto, Waldir Avansi Jr., Sandrine Bernardini , Khalifa Aguir, Markus Niederberger and Elson Longo
Résumé : Although semiconducting metal oxide (SMOx) nanoparticles (NPs) have attracted attention as sensing materials, the methodologies available to synthesize them with desirable properties are quite limited and/or often require relatively high energy consumption. Thus, we report herein the processing of Zn-doped SnO2 NPs via a microwave-assisted nonaqueous route at a relatively low temperature (160 ◦C) and with a short treatment time (20 min). In addition, the effects of adding Zn in the structural, electronic, and gas-sensing properties of SnO2 NPs were investigated. X-ray diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy analyses revealed the single-phase of rutile SnO2, with an average crystal size of 7 nm. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy measurements revealed the homogenous incorporation of Zn ions into the SnO2 network. Gas sensing tests showed that Zn-doped SnO2 NPs were highly sensitive to sub-ppm levels of NO2 gas at 150 ◦C, with good recovery and stability even under ambient moisture. We observed an increase in the response of the Zn-doped sample of up to 100 times compared to the pristine one. This enhancement in the gas-sensing performance was linked to the Zn ions that provided more surface oxygen defects acting as active sites for the NO2 adsorption on the sensing material.